An Invitation/Introduction to the Humanist Union Society
The ‘HU’ is a registered Canadian society open to anyone with an interest in DNA stewardship - toward personal regeneration into a fresh life cycle, with a focus on:
DNA stewardship in recognition of the fact that our own identity and ‘franchise’ in Life lies within the DNA found in every cell of our body. Genity is the science of managing our individual DNA and its life cycles. Together with advanced biobanking functioning as our DNA time machine, we can regenerate ourselves to enjoy multiple life cycles in the centuries to come. Or be extinguished.
Humanism as the emerging credo of our human species, as we directly address the human aspiration expressed in all major faiths for an afterlife, via engineered programs enabling each member to assemble successive life cycles based on personal DNA.
A Private Society dedicated to DNA stewardship
The Humanist Union Society (Canada), offers consulting and biobanking services that include advanced dry DNA biobanking and vapor vitrification of whole blood/tissue samples. Our goal as a democratic, private non-profit Society is to integrate advanced medical regeneration technologies as a decentralized, autonomous organization. Today we concentrate on long-term DNA stewardship.
The current Moderator of the Society is Dwight Gilbert Jones
Contact: (604) 836-7300
Stay informed
Be up to date on the HU, DNA stewardship and its singular opportunity for successive life cycles. Every new edition of The Human Franchise goes directly to your inbox.
Your participation includes all official announcements of the Humanist Union, discussion of the related technologies and programs, including smart contract structuring and blockchain transactions.
Your participation builds your perspective on the imminence of your next lifetime.
All inquiries remain confidential.
Dwight or